Brief Introduction to the project:
This module introduces students to Rhino with Grasshopper to Rhino 6 3D modelling with Grasshopper plugin tools and techniques
•By understanding axial perspectives, surface modelling and form making within the software.
•To utilize CAD drawings and translating them into 3D forms to enable real-time visualization and generative manipulation of points, surfaces and latency of the built model.
•To introduce the ability of rapid prototyping via laser cutting and 3D printing by implementing the built model into digital fabrication.
Project 1.T1 Rhino Modelling Assignment – Seating + Shelter
Rhino 3D modelled and preparation for prototyping (via laser cut).
Project 2.T2 Grasshopper Modelling Assignment – Parametric Lounge Chair
Grasshopper modelled and preparation for prototyping (via 3D Printing).
Students in each group are to design in their groups using Rhino 6 + Grasshopper a generated 3D model of a Parametric Lounge Chair. This 3D model is then prepared for 3D Printing and re-assembly into a physical model no larger than an A4 base.
*due to the pandemic we are unable to use the labs.
Project 1.T1 Rhino Modelling Assignment – Seating + Shelter:

This model was made with love by my teammate, Tay Yun Jun and I. We started off with no ideas, and were very lost on what kind of seating + shelter we should do. So we decided to draft out our own models, and ended up combining them together. With teamwork, we created the model shown above and also lay out each part of the model.
Project 2.T2 Grasshopper Modelling Assignment – Parametric Lounge Chair:

This model was also made with love by my teammate, Tay Yun Jun and I. This time we came together and modelled this out as a team, by finding inspiration online and shooting ideas at one another. For this project we are to use grasshopper to create our model. Grasshopper is a tool to create a draft layout and edit it whenever needed, and it is able to draft out different models by changing a few of the settings. With teamwork, we created the model shown above including the Grasshopper at the bottom of our model.
Year 2 Elective Projects