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Currently a  Year 3 student in Diploma in Interior Designer, Singapore Polytechnic since 2020.

My specialty has always been hands-on and Art. At a young age, I would pick up pencils, crayons, and pens to start doodling on a piece of paper or buying legos to start building it with the instruction manual. It made me happy as it allows me to express myself, challenge myself, and allow myself to bring out the creative side of me. 

Creating Art, being creative, willing to learn, and face challenges is who I am. When I realized that Art was something that I want to pursue as it brings me joy and peacefulness doing that activity, so I took up Art subject during secondary school and I have never regretted my choice of taking it. Proceeded to Singapore Polytechnic to take up a design course and getting to learn more about the design industry, what they do and etc.: really amazed me and challenged me to use more of my creativeness. 
With a creative mind, I strive to explore beyond the boundaries of design.

My Curriculum Vitae

Education & Leaderships


Diploma in Interior Design
Singapore Polytechnic 

2022-2023   Gradshow Leader - Org Secretary

2022            Class Management Committee - Deputy Class                                      Representative 

2022            Polytechnic Forum

2022            DID Showcase - Org Secretary

2022            The Vertical Live Project Workshop

2022            Pre-University Seminar

2021-2022  Academic School Student Committee - President (SIDS                       Student Chapter) 

2021           LEAP Programme (School Leaders)
2021-2022  SP NYAA Ambassador 

2020-2021  PA - SP Community Leadership Programme
2020           Class Management Committee (Treasurer)


GCE O Level
Loyang View Secondary School
(School Merge with Green View)

2018           Class Vice-Chairperson 

2018           Senior Student Councillor

2018           Girl Guides - Assistance Company Leader (Logistics)
2018           NYAA Silver Award


GCE N Level
Loyang Secondary School

2015-2018  Student Councillor

2017-2018  Girl Guides - Assistance Company Leader (Logistics)

2016           NYAA Bronze Award
2017           NYAA Silver Award
2017           Participated Overseas Educational Programme (OEP) in                       Suzhou, China


Meridian Primary School

Didn't participate much as was trying to improve my results, but was very active with events held by the school such as Sports Day, Magical Night, etc. But always want to be a leader to make an impact.



Diploma in Interior Design

Singapore Polytechnic 

2021-2022  Director's Honour Roll Award - Top 5%

2022           Awarded Excellence Award - Outstanding Contributions                         (Individual Category - School of Architecture & Built                               Environment)

2021           Edusave Certification of Academic Achievement 2021
2021           Edusave Merit Bursary 2021
2020-2021  Awarded in Appreciation Class Management Committee                       (Treasurer)


GCE N & O Level

Loyang View Secondary School

2019           GCE N Level B3 for Art

2018           GCE N Level A1 for Art

2017           Awarded Academic Excellence Award - Mathematics and                     Art

2017           Awarded Academic Excellence Award - Outstanding                             Academic 
2017           Best Banner Award Competition (Gryphon Youth

                   Outreach Programme)

2016           Awarded Academic Excellence Award - Outstanding                             Academic 

2016           Edusave Merit Bursary 2016

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Singapore, Singapore


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