Hobes and Locke
Project type: Writing
Designer(s): Chua Jia Ning, Sherica
Year: 2022
Project Description:
The intention is that through such an exercise, they will not only be more capable and articulate (textually and visually) in making connections between topics learned, but also that they will be able to encounter new ways of representing and discussing (textually and visually) not just the theories presented in class but also any ideas encountered outside of this course.

A regime is a government, especially an authoritarian one. Or a system or ordered way of doing things. Since that is the definition in the dictionary, I believe that there is more than one way to define a regime. Singapore’s regime is important from both the government’s and citizens’ perspectives. Every citizen in my country is entitled to an education and a safe environment, thanks to the government.
Besides governing both the nation and the city, the government was responsible for planning and budgeting for everything from international financing to trash collection. Governed land, labour, and capital resources that are owned regulated, controlled, or allocated by the government. Especially on the rules and regulations, the law helps citizens to know where they need to stand, a example in Singapore if you are caught littering you could be fined $300. With laws and rules like this Singaporean dare, not anyhow litter. Besides, Singapore is a well-known Green city, with dustbins almost in every corner Singapore.
As a Singapore citizen in order to survive and thrive, race relations and social harmony are vital. All citizens are responsible for maintaining racial harmony in order to create a happy, peaceful, and functioning society for all. To do this, you should accept and embrace the diversity of races and cultures in your new country. As you learn about our culture and you, you will enrich your own life. Whereas the rights of a citizen include the freedom of speech, assembly, and association; equal protection under the law; and freedom of religion.
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