Radical Curiosity: In the Orbit of Buckminster Fuller (at ArtScience)
Project type: Writing
Designer(s): Chua Jia Ning, Sherica
Year: 2022
Project Description:
The intention is that through such an exercise, they will not only be more capable and articulate (textually and visually) in making connections between topics learned, but also that they will be able to encounter new ways of representing and discussing (textually and visually) not just the theories presented in class but also any ideas encountered outside of this course.

‘Dymaxion’ House was made for its self-sustaining house, which was Buckminister Fuller’s first idea some time ago, but then got recognized after they completed the finishing touches which then got places in creation on a commercial basis. ‘House that hangs from a pole’ was also used to describe Dymaxion House, due to the structure of the house. The houses that suspended from the central mast, with all the necessary needs in a house. The house was made more comfortable, habitable, sanitary, economical, self-contained, and can operate at the least expense of human energy. Sustainable and low maintenance is the main buck of his design, which inspires others to look forward in this direction together as he does.
Biomimetics is the emulation of the models, systems, and elements of nature for the purpose of solving complex human problems. The 3 keywords for Biomimetic Design are Dynamic, maximum, and tension.
In Neri Oxman’s ‘Silk Pavilion’, inspired by the way silkworms weave delicate cocoons from a single strand of silk, the pavilion was created using a base of robot-woven threads wrapping a steel frame, completed by 6,500 live silkworms which were let loose upon this primary structure. Through a combination of careful design of the primary structure and the silkworms’ instinctive preference for darker areas of the pavilion’s surface, the pavilion’s mottled skin finds the mid-point between a scaled-up version of the insects’ own cocoons and a functional space for humans. (ArchDaily, 2022)
To help the homeless, using biophilic design thinking to build an immediate shelter. The choices would be gathering woods and leaves, to build the shelter. As the wood will be used to form the support structure, to give the shape to the shelter making it sturdy. While adding on the leaves will act as water-resistant, which will be placed on the roof of the shelter, help prevent most of the rainwater from entering.
‘Geodesic Dome’ is designed in an incredibly efficient and stable form structure, that uses triangles to form. The geodesic structure is self-supporting without the need for foundations, which also uses the least amount of material and at the same time provides more space for the interior. With nothing obstructing the airflow, which is a very good solution to create housing, with the given decent living space provided by the triangular shape structure created.

Moshe Safdie is an architect, urban planner, educator, theorist, and author. Over a celebrated 50-year career, Safdie has explored the essential principles of socially responsible design through a comprehensive and humane design philosophy. (Safdiearchitects, 2022)
Today, Fuller’s greatest impact can be seen in the everlasting influence he has had on generations of designers, architects, scientists, and artists working to create a more sustainable planet. He played a crucial role in discovering a new carbon molecule and was a key Moshe Safdie, among others, benefited from this influence early in his career.
Radical Curiosity brings together works by contemporary artists, architects, and designers including Safdie and Neri Oxman who have drawn inspiration from Fuller’s lifelong experimentation. Buckminster Fuller’s vision was to create the ArtScience Museum, which was designed by Moshe Safdie, one of the many architects Fuller inspired. (aspirantsg, 2022)
Tensegrity is involving the placing of rigid elements in space solely through tension and compression, to use the forces of gravity to their fullest creating a structure, to make it stable. For example, metaphorically speaking due to the tension and compression 2 great massive spheres hanging by tension members are attracted to one another.
Triton was a concept for an anchored floating city that would be located just offshore and connected with bridges and such to the mainland. In the early 1960s, Fuller was commissioned by a Japanese patron to design one of his floating cities for Tokyo Bay. Knowing that the planet Earth is covered three-quarters covered with water, he came out with the idea of building a city on water, which makes it organic. As floating cities pay no rent to landlords. A development in Singapore which have a similar approach would be Golden Mile Complex.

Golden Mile Complex was built with highrise commercial and residential buildings, which makes it accessible for people who live in those HDBs to enjoy the retail shops right below them. (Wiki, 2022) They are similar to one another as their design is both build in a slanted manner, but the difference is that Triton City Model is on water and Golden Mile Complex is on land.
The UN Building is located in New York City, they map the whole earth to get a sense of how big each land is and placed it on a map. However, it is said that these maps are inaccurate because they judge the size of each island by rationing with their own. Dymaxion map was created and it is known for its accurate map made by Buckminster Fuller. Why did he create this map? It’s because he wants to really understand how does the world really look like, and he created a World Game to gather more resources about the earth. Which led everyone to come together and provide for people to think of any world problem and issues the world is facing, in this World game everyone is a winner. He believes that the spaceship is the earth, and we are the crew.
Overall, Buckminster Fuller is a very innovative man, very committed to his passion no matter what was happening around him. He never fails to inspire others around him with his knowledge and belief in either design or sustainability, to share his ideas and thoughts.
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