Rabbit Proof Fence
Project type: Writing
Designer(s): Chua Jia Ning, Sherica
Year: 2022
Project Description:
The intention is that through such an exercise, they will not only be more capable and articulate (textually and visually) in making connections between topics learned, but also that they will be able to encounter new ways of representing and discussing (textually and visually) not just the theories presented in class but also any ideas encountered outside of this course.
It was filmed in the state of Western Australia, in the film it is portrayed in a very blurry manner, to showcase it is very old from 1931, telling the real-life story of the things that happened between indigenous Australians and white settlers.

The measures of Control depicted in the film is the use of administrative control. Neville gives orders to take the 3 girls. (Fig. 2) The 3 girls were forcibly taken from their mother to be placed in a state institution. He wants to control them, not letting them increase in their own kind, took their kids away to train them to serve. Neville’s reasoning is portrayed as follows: the Aboriginal people of Australia are a danger to themselves, and the “half-castes” must be bred out of existence. Eventually, if they marry, it will be to white people and thus the Aboriginal “blood” will diminish. (WIki,2022)
The Moore River Native Settlement is where they bring in all the half-castes children, girl or boy, in to become labourers and servants to white families, regarded as a “good” situation for them in life. (wiki,2022) To discipline the children if they were to be not well-behaved. The “power” that Neville’s thinking is “to remove any half-caste child” from their family, from anywhere within the state. (Fig. 2) With that “power” he tries to care and concern for the half-castes, to give them “help” them to have a better life.

As there is no equality between the 2 cultures, the fact that Neville is capturing the Aboriginal people of Australia to make good use of his own white families. One side would be more powerful than another. However, it seems quite unfair as the Aboriginal people of Australia’s families do not have their own choice but were forcefully taken away by the white families, to be trained into something they do not want to do. I believe that a fair society should have balanced chances, between the people to have their own idea and choice.
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