Memory- Henri Bergson
Project type: Writing
Designer(s): Chua Jia Ning, Sherica
Year: 2022
Project Description:
The intention is that through such an exercise, they will not only be more capable and articulate (textually and visually) in making connections between topics learned, but also that they will be able to encounter new ways of representing and discussing (textually and visually) not just the theories presented in class but also any ideas encountered outside of this course.
The 2 notions of memories would be automatic and pure memory. To dive deeper into what those represent. Automatic memory is where you would put yourself in a cycle where you keep replaying and repeating your past actions, not recognizing yourself as representing the past, and using it to do something for the present. Whereas, Pure memory registers the image of the past and features in the head showing that image or scene, of the past.
To the question, where is my body located in space? Personally, the ‘space’ to me would be in a heart, where everything is connected and transferred into the mind to do and make decisions on what my heart desires. Some recurring daily would be the daily sequence of the everyday cycle such as from waking up to going back to bed and getting ready for tomorrow. Just like the heart where it will keep bumping the oxygen and blood naturally repeating, and utilizing its own memory to its present. On the other hand pure memory, would be having a memory that ties in deeply, to something meaningful or hurtful incidents. Such as the best birthday party or the worst. Relating back to the ‘space’ (heart) (Fig 1.), we would remember things like this to enjoy the moment we had in our past or to learn from our own past and prevent it from happening again.
In relation to my body, to the space that it is occupying currently, to the space it used to occupy - 5 years ago, would be my house. I would say my house has really been through a lot within the 5 years, memories have been stored in this place. Some changes would be the renovation happening, my house has a makeover, and the space to me still makes me feel small within it, but physically it seems like it is getting smaller. Why would I describe it that way? It’s because I still feel safe just like before as it gives me shelter and it’s my happy place, at the same time I grew taller and so the physical space makes me feel big.

It really depends if the space gives a very memorable scene, or has a connection back to a memory, be it a great or horrible one. Or it could also be that you use the space that much till you are attracted to the space or till you recognize it even if someone shows you a part of the space using a photo (Fig 2.). For example, my 16 birthday, was one of my best and worst birthdays. It was the best because I spent time with my friends and had a huge birthday party. But it was also the worst because I didn’t get to blow out the candles with my sister, as I was planning to do. Instead one of my relative’s daughters took over my sister’s place to do it with me. So that made me very frustrated.
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