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Project type: Comunal, 3D software 

Designer(s): 2021


Project Description:
In pairs, we are to design a 3D model of a Seating with a Shelther, and prepare it for laser cutting, using RHINO and Grashopper software. However, due to the pendamic we are not able to experince laser cutting in the lab. 

RHINO - Seating + Shelter


Screenshot 2023-02-17 223240.jpg


Draft 1.jfif

This is the first ideation process me and my partner Sherica did in class. We got most of our inspiration from Pinterest and google by looking into organic shapes and waffle components.

This is our final ideation process! From the inspired by images shown previously, to our draft final model and lasercut! The final draft is a combination of both me and Yun’s idea after researching for inspiration.

GRASSHOPPER - Parametric Lounge


Screenshot 2023-02-17 223924.jpg

This is the first ideation process me and my partner Yun did before we start with the modelling. We searched for some inspiration as to how we want our chair to seat 2 people. We managed to find these images on Pinterest. We really liked the idea of the seatings alternating diagonally, as well as being inspired to keep the different varying heights of the cuboids within our seating.


Grasshopper 1.png

This is the completed Grasshopper commands used to model our 3D Parametric Lounge Chair! Though it may seem complex at first glance, it is actually really easy and fun to configure.


Here is our final T2 chair modelling! We kept the varying heights of the cuboids and created 2 flat planes to act as the seatings for 2 pax!

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